Event Information:
Wed29May2013Sat01Jun20138:30 a.m. - 8:45 p.m every day of conference Washington Marriott Wardman Park, 2660 Woodley Road NW • Washington, District Of Columbia 20008 USA • Phone: (202) 328-2000
Unsettled at LASA (2013) Towards a New Social Contract?
Signed copies of Unsettled / Desasosiego will be available at the University of Texas Press booth at this year's Latin American Studies Association conference:
LASA 2013: Towards a New Social Contract?On Saturday June 1st I will be presenting on an interdisciplinary panel with three colleagues. Intelectuales Anfibios. Representaciones del margen 1:00 pm - 2:45 pm in the Washington Room 4
My talk will focus on the ethics of photographing marginalized youth using my book UNSETTLED as the foundation for my commentary. Other presenters include: Javier Auyero of UT Austin on “The Uses and Forms of Violence among the Urban Poor.” Maria Helena Rueda, Smith College on "Tackling memory and responsibility in the portrayal of children and youngsters in recent Latin American films," and Gabriela Polit, UT Austin on "El tiempo y la representación del margen"